On 16th of March2017 in one of our cases the Supreme court has issued a resolution of 7 Judges, which has resolved a significant legal matter that occurred during proceeding a case by the District Court in Kraków. The Supreme Court with an increased bench composition of 7 judges supported the standpoint presented by advocate Łukasz Gładki acting as the defendant’s attorney, who stated that the II instance court is not obliged to summon a party represented by a professional attorney to pay a cassation appeal fee after a motion for exemption from court fees was unappeallably dismissed. The court validated the foregoing resolution as a judicial principle (record no. III CZP 82/16).

The Supreme Court’s ruling was issued on a highly complicated corporate case, which concerned purchasing shares of a limited liability company by our Client. The company itself was a subsidiary of a development company, with whom our Client had feuded for some time. The main matter of the proceedings was deciding whether the purchase agreement was binding due to the claimant’s charges of overusing the power of attorney. The case was won by our Client in courts of both instances.

You can read more about the 7 judges resolution from 16th March 2017 in Rzeczpospolita or on the Supreme Court’s website.